VICS Volunteer in South Sudan

I was blessed with the opportunity to visit VICS volunteer, Luc, in South Sudan.  Luc has been in Juba since November, 2013.  He was evacuated mid December when the war broke out, returned January, 2014, and has been volunteering since that time.

2015-04-19 11.31.52

Luc has been at the Catholic University of South Sudan.  He has worked directly with staff, supporting and implementing changes they requested.

Luc and university librarian

A new university is slowly being built.  Some students are at the old university campus and others are now attending the new university. Phase 1 of 3 is complete and construction is under way for phase 2.

These are pictures of the old campus:

old campus old campus

Luc in classroom at the old campus

The difference:

Old and new Catholic University of South Sudan campus

New campus:

new campus  classroom new campus

new campus   new campus


Construction of phase 2:

phase 2 construction   phase 2 construction

phase 2 construction

What great work this university is doing!    From it’s inception in 2008 with 35 students, they have grown to a university with 900 students.  What a wonderful testament to hard work and hope.