
Going Home – Part 1

One of the first things a VICS volunteer learns is that volunteering overseas is not about us – it’s about being present, building relationships, listening and learning.  Some of us are lucky enough to develop a relationship that changes us.  That was certainly true with us.  Almost 30 years ago […]

Friends for 30 years

Kenya was our first volunteer posting.  We were ‘given’ a family (or maybe they were given us) that would guide and mentor us as we navigated a new culture.  They not only taught us how to take local transport, buy at the market, and greet people, but they also became […]

Starting a Business

Young people with physical challenges have the opportunity to become active in their communities.  After 16 months of training, they are ready to start their new careers as tailors.  They will move back to villages, be independent, and a vital part of their communities. You can help by purchasing supplies […]

Life-changing Opportunities

#OlkokolaVocationalSchool in Tanzania is an amazing school. It provides young people who normally would have no opportunity for work, training for a trade and medical support. You can help their dreams of a job and independence come true. Consider donating on #GivingTuesdayCa at

Training for Independence

Students with physical challenges are finishing their 16 month training course at Olkokola Vocational School, Tanzania. With the proper supplies they can start their own business and move into a life of independence. November 29 is #GivingTuesdayCa. Can you help a student start this positive life change? You can donate at […]

Vision – the art of seeing

What amazing opportunities volunteers have to see things in a new way.   A new culture, new food, and new ways of doing things are only some ways our eyes and hearts are open to a new way of seeing.  Ready to give yourself a new way of seeing!  Try volunteering!

International Day of Peace

Today is the International Day of Peace.  Peace comes in so many forms; the people we’re with, the place we are, in a group or along, in nature or in a city.  VICS has also experienced peace in many forms.  Today we not only remember those experiences, but pray for […]

International Literacy Day

How honoured VICS is for the opportunity to work at improving students’ literacy skills throughout the world.  We celebrate #iinternationalliteracyday !

Open Life Doors! Volunteer!

It’s a life challenge…wondering what next?  where next?  Volunteering gives the opportunity to open doors, physical ones like the new doors you will walk through, and metaphorical ones, like the doors that will open in your understanding of a new culture. Why not try – you never know what opening […]

You can fly!!

VICS volunteers are an amazing group of people willing to try something new.  Are you ready to try your wings??