Community Project #1 near Singida, Tanzania

Gerry is volunteering with VICS in Singida, Tanzania. She is working at Faraja, an organization started by the MMM (Medical Missionaries of Mary) sisters. Tanzania people trained to work as volunteers in various villages discuss possible small economic developement projects, then Faraja tries to support these projects.

One project was this – raising chickens. People in the villages supplied everything but the roof, chicken wire, doors and windows. The project is locally initiated and supported. People have taken such responsiblity for their projects. Faraja ‘checks in’ once a month where they discuss how things have been going.

chicken pen from the outside  chickens hanging around outside  caring for chickens  inside the chicken pen  Getting ready for vaccinations  Gerry helping rearrange a baby!  discussing the project  outside shelter  project leader  inside the chicken coop  Gerry, VICS volunteer with staff and people from village